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conflict objectives中文是什么意思

用"conflict objectives"造句"conflict objectives"怎么读"conflict objectives" in a sentence


  • 冲突目标


  • The quest to enhance the balance between these conflicting objectives has inadvertently become a morbid desire for project managers
  • Many real - world problems involve two types of problem difficulty : i ) multiple , conflicting objectives and ii ) a highly complex search space
    解决现实世界中的许多问题会遇到两种类型的难度: )多个相互冲突的目标, )高维复杂的搜索空间。
  • The supply chain operating model is constructed as a multi - objective programming problem to satisfy several conflict objectives , such as coordination , of supply chain , the maximum profit of all participants , and robustness of decision to uncertain product demands and raw material supplies
  • Thirdly , for most of the real world decision problems involved the multiple and conflicting objectives that should be tackled while respecting the various constraints , it is impossible in multi - objective problems to get some one optimized solution to satisfy all the objectives . therefore , it is important to simplify the system of the performance indices according to the scheduling
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